Research Articles

The Effect of Divorce on Adolescents' Attachment to their Non-resident Fathers

The purpose of this study was to examine the post-divorce attachment security of adolescents to their mothers and non-resident fathers.

Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment

The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA) was used to compare the attachment security of adolescents from intact homes to those from divorced homes.

The data gathered indicates that adolescents from divorced homes reported statistically significant differences in attachment security with their fathers overall and specifically in the areas of trust and communication measured by the IPPA.

Therefore, the findings indicate that divorce affects attachment security negatively.

No statistically significant gender differences concerning the attachment security of male and female adolescents from divorced homes for either mother or father were found.

Two theoretical models (the theory of mattering and the reflective functioning of parents) are discussed as guidelines to assist policy makers in addressing problems in attachment security for children from divorced homes.

Download the full article here: The Effect of Divorce on Adolescents' Attachment to their Non-resident Fathers

Estelle De Wit - Child Psychologist Port Elizabeth

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